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Food Recovery Programs

Food is Free Albuquerque harvests the abundance throughout our commUnity from backyard fruit trees, commUnity orchards, and local farms. We share this fresh and nutritious abundance is shared with local organizations aiding in feeding our neighbors. Not only does this divert food waste and carbon emissions, but it also creates equitable access to fresh food, which is lacking in several populations. 


Our non-profit focuses on three recovery areas: Backyard Fruit Trees, CommUnity Orchards, and Local Farms.

We believe commUnity connections and partnerships are vital to success. We help to connect fresh food to people by tapping into abundant resources and engaging our commUnity. 


These programs allow volunteers to impact commUnity well-being with hands-on opportunities directly. FIFABQ welcomes volunteers of all ages and abilities to take part in providing food access. Movements move with commUnity action. 


Backyard Fruit Trees

Our dedicated team of volunteers harvest abundant fruit on private fruit trees via appointment. We harvest almost all fruit except for crab apples and prickly pears due to the intense effort it takes to make them edible. 

Our Backyard Harvest Program connects people with fresh and nutritious food via organizations that specialize in food distribution. 


FIFABQ also helps to harness the power of Orchards throughout our commUnity.  Orchards a source of great power to nourish. Sometimes they are so prolific that it is too much for landowners to handle.  

The strength of our volunteer program allows us to take on larger harvesting projects.  These larger harvests allow us to contribution to larger distribution organizations or reach dozens of smaller organizations. 


Have questions or want to book your orchard? 

Email Us!


FIFAABQ_Grape Harvest_2022_-23.jpg
Image by Arnaldo Aldana


Whether it is prolific growing, "leftover" crops, or an impending freeze, FIFABQ is here to help use abundance on our local farms. 

Our services are the most efficient way to address food waste and food insecurity simultaneously. Our movement moves through commUnity action.


Do you have questions or need assistance on your farm? Email Us!

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(505) 570-2670

©2024 by Food is Free Albuquerque.

Food is Free Albuquerque does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.

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